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Improving the standard of care

Dear Corina, Tony, and Vijay,

Nurse Ngat is 32 years old and has worked at the National Pediatric Hospital in Hanoi, VietnamĀ for the last seven years. She has a young son of her own. Ngat wants to use the knowledge that she has learned from her participation in this nurse training course to help make it the standard in her department. She desires that everyone in her department, and eventually throughout the hospital, use the steps of the nursing process to provide better care to their patients and more effectively diagnose and treat illnesses. Nurse Ngat hopes that her participation in the course will improve her English, improve her communication skills with her patients, and give her the opportunity to teach others about the nursing process.

Your generous donations, Corina, Tony, and Vijay has made it possible for Nurse Ngat to attain her goals and help improve the quality of care given to her young patients and their parents. MEDRIX is grateful for your support and we sincerely thank you.

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